On August 2nd, Caleb turned 15 months old! Where does the time go? I know we will be celebrating the holidays and then his next birthday before I know it, but for today I am so blessed to have Caleb for the 15 months we have. If I had to give you one word to describe Caleb right now, that would have to be BUSY! Yes, I have heard boys are busy, but I had no idea just what I was in for :) Caleb loves to go back and forth at the pool we go to from baby pool to big pool (back & forth, back & forth). He loves the water which is great, but has no fear of it either. Caleb will dive head first into the pool (hoping we catch him at some point--which we do ofcourse). At his 15 month appointment, he was 32 1/2 inches long
(90%) and weighed 23 lbs and 15oz (45%) which means he hasn't gained any weight since his 12 month appt. In fact he lost a few ounces. This is totally normal especially with such an active toddler so I've heard. The Dr's. first words when she came into the room to check Caleb were "Is he an active child". At that moment I thought, you have no idea :) So fortunately, she wasn't concerned considering how active he is. Caleb is talking a good bit more and has lots of words including (mama, Dada, ball, night night, pool, berries, moon, pizza, choo choo, hot, juice, please, thank you, ho ho, hop, up, bubbles, pee pee, poo pooh, diaper, shoes, cheese, bye bye, Elmo, Gigi, and hi. It is so much fun every time he repeats or grasps the meaning of a new word! Caleb enjoys getting out and will tell me bye bye when he is ready to go somewhere and do something. He is also telling me most of the time when he has a dirty diaper! Does this mean he will potty train early--one can only hope :) Caleb loves to be chased and will do a sideways step until you catch on to play chase with him. He is not much of a mall shopper so I have begun taking him in his wagon full of toys so I can do some shopping every now and again. So if you see a crazy lady in the mall pulling a wagon please don't make fun...it is me and for just this season of life I had to get creative! I could go on and on about my favorite little person, but for know the laundry is waiting while sweet cheeks sleeps. I love you Caleb with all my heart!
So sweet! I miss him! The wagon is a novel idea! We need to join yall. Does he not throw the toys out?
He is getting so big! Jayden is too. I cant wait to see him again.
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