Friday, July 30, 2010

Caleb's First Haircut

I finally broke down last week and decided it was time for Caleb to get his first haircut. I am not sure why that first haircut is such a big deal, but I think it has something to do with his growing up and moving from the baby stage to a little boy/toddler stage. Needless to say after being called a little girl for the umtenth time I thought I better get Caleb's hair cut. He did a great job sitting for his first haircut. I didn't let her take too much hair off, but just a shape up/trim.

$18 later.....(I think Daddy will be cutting Caleb's hair after this--seems a little expensive for a little clip!) But how cute am I now!!!!!!!!!


Our Family's Story... said...

He is SO CUTE!!! And...he does NOT look like a girl! All boy:) Let's get together sometime...would LOVE to see you!

Sherri D said...

Love, love, love him!